- Kitap Bölümleri:
1. Karademir S. Karaciğer ve Safra Yolları ve Pankreas Cerrahisi. Karaciğerin Cerrahi anatomisi. Editör: Osman Abbasoğlu. 978605-9615-26-6 (2019):3-15
2. Karademir S ve Soylu L. Karaciğerin benign ve malign lezyonları: Cerrahi Notları Editör: Koray Topgul. 2018.
3. Karademir S ve Soylu L. Portal Hipertansiyon: Cerrahi Notları. Editor: Koray Topgul. 2018.
4. Karademir S ve Atlı M. Karaciğer Nakli: Cerrahi Notları. Editor: Koray Topgul. 2018.
5. Karademir S. Cerrahi Anatomi: Pankreas hastalıkları. Editörler: Necati Dökmeci, Osman Abbasoğlu. 978-605-84623-8-0 (2016): 3-9
6. Karademir S. Pankreasın Kistik tümörleri: neoplazileri. Pankreas hastalıkları Editörler: Necati Dökmeci, Osman Abbasoğlu. 978-605-84623-8-0 (2016): 139-151
7. Karademir S. Karaciğer nakli sonrası rikler ve enfeksiyonları: Organ Nakli Enfeksiyonları. Editörler: Yalçın AN, Köse S, Erbay RH. Can, İstanbul. 978-605-572-909-7, (2011): 91-100
8. Karademir S. Deneysel modellerde iskemik önhazırlık: Cerrahi Araştırmalar. Editörler: Osman Abbasoğlu, Şevket Ruacan, 975-420-448-9, (2005): 369-376
9. Karademir S. Karaciğer Hastalıkları ve portal Hipertansiyon : Temel ve Sistemik Cerrahi. Editörler: Gülay H. İzmir Güven Kitabevi. 975-92412-9-3, (2005): 1313- 1351
- Makaleler:
- Astarcıoğlu I, Egeli T, Gülcü A, Özbilgin M, Ağalar C, Çeşmeli EB, Kaya E, Karademir S, Ünek T. Vascular Complications After Liver Transplantation. Exp Clin Transplant. 2023 Jun;21(6):504-511.
- Akarsu M, Önem S, Turan I, Adalı G, Akdoğan M, Akyıldız M, Aladağ M, Balaban Y, Danış N, Dayangaş M, Gençdal G, Gökcan H, Sertesen E, Gürakar M, Harputluoğlu M, Kabaçam G, Karademir S, Kıyıcı M, İdilman R, Karasu Z. Recommendations for Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin and Antiviral Prophylaxis Against Hepatitis B Recurrence After Liver Transplantation. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2021 Sep;32(9):712-719.
- Kırımker EO, Kabaçam G, Keskin O, Göktuğ UU, Atlı M, Bingöl-Koloğlu M, Karayalçın K, Karademir S, Balcı D. Outcomes of Surgical Strategies for Living Donor Liver Transplantation in Patients with Portal Vein Thrombosis: A Cohort Study. Transplant Proc. 2022 Oct;54(8):2217-2223.
- Akarsu M, Dolu S, Harputluoğlu M, Yılmaz S, Akyıldız M, Gençdal G, Polat KY, Dinçer D, Adanır H, Turan I, Günsar F, Karasu Z, Gökcan H, Karademir S, Kabaçam G, Kayhan MA, Kıyıcı M, Gülşen MT, Balaban Y, Doğrul AB, Şenkaya A, Ellik ZM, Eren F, İdilman R. Changing trends in the etiology of liver transplantation in Turkiye: A multicenter study. Hepatol Forum. 2024 Jan 16;5(1):3-6.
- Özbilgin M, Egeli T, Ağalar C, Özkardeşler S, Oğuz VA, Akarsu M, Sağol Ö, Ünek T, Karademir S, Astarcıoğlu I. Complications and Long-Term Outcomes in Adult Patients Undergoing Living Donor Liver Transplantation Because of Fulminant Hepatitis. Transplant Proc. 2023 Jun;55(5):1186-1192.
- Özbilgin M, Egeli T, Ağalar C, Özkardeşler S, Saatli B, Ellidokuz H, Akarsu M, Ünek T, Karademir S, Astarcıoğlu İ. Evaluation of the Effects of Immunosuppressive Drugs Following Liver Transplantation on Pregnancy Outcomes: A Retrospective Study.Transplant Proc. 2023 Jun;55(5):1245-1251.
- Soylu L, Aydın OU, Yıldız M, Serdaroğlu H, Kurtoğlu M, Karademir S. Comparison of intestinal ischemia after on-pump versus off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Turk J Med Sci. 2019 Feb 11;49(1):11-15.
- Soylu L, Aydın OU, Atlı M, Gunt C, Ekmekçi Y, Çekmen N, Karademir S. Does early removal of double J stents reduce urinary infection in living donor renal transplantation? Arch Med Sci. 2019 Mar; 15(2):402-407
- Karademir S. Staging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatoma Research.2018;4(9):58-76
- Akturk G, Sagol O, Unek T, Ozbilgin M, Egeli T, Karademir S, Obuz F, Astarcioglu IK. Alpha-Fetoprotein-Secreting Gallbladder Carcinoma: a Case Report J Gastrointest Cancer. 2018;49(4):528-531
- Özbilgin M, Ünek T, Egeli T, Ağalar C, Ozkardesler S, Obuz F, Ellidokuz H, Karademir S, Astarcıoğlu I.Hepatic Artery Reconstruction with Autologous Inferior Mesenteric Artery Graft in Living Donor Liver Transplant Recipients. Transplant Proc. 2017 Apr; 49(3):566-570.
- Unek T, Egeli T, Özbilgin M, Çelik A, Atilla K, Ağalar C, Arslan NÇ, Karademir S, Bora S, Gülay H, Derici ZS, Astarcıoğlu I. Long-term Results of Living Donors in Simultaneous Kidney and Liver Transplantations. Transplant Proc. 2017 Apr; 49(3):403-406.
- Abbasoğlu O, Tekant Y, Alper A, Aydın Ü, Balık A, Bostancı B, Coker A, Doğanay M, Gündoğdu H, Hamaloğlu E, Kapan M, Karademir S, Karayalçın K, Kılıçturgay S, Şare M, Tümer AR, Yağcı G.Prevention and acute management of biliary injuries during laparoscopic cholecystectomy: Expert consensus statement. Ulus Cerrahi Derg. 2016 Dec 1;32(4):300-305.
- Avkan-Oguz V, Unek T, Yapar N, Firuzan E, Ozbilgin M, Ozkardesler S, Doluca Dereli M, Karademir S. Risk Factors and Prevalence for Candidemia in Liver Transplant Recipients without Antifungal Prophylaxis, 10-Year Follow-Up. Medical Mycology: Open Access 2016; Vol.2(1):10
- Hakim GD, Akarsu M, Karademir S, Unek T, Astarcıoglu I. The efficacy and safety of tenofovir in the prevention of hepatitis B virus recurrence following liver transplantation. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2014 Dec; 25(6):685
- Kunter I, Erdal E, Nart D, Yilmaz F, Karademir S, Sagol O, Atabey N. Active form of AKT controls cell proliferation and response to apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncol Rep. 2014 Feb; 31(2):573
- Ozkardesler S, Avkan-Oguz V, Akan M, Unek T, Ozbilgin M, Meseri R, Cimen M, Karademir S. Effects of blood products on nosocomial infections in liver transplant recipients. Exp Clin Transplant. 2013 Dec;11(6):530
- Akarsu M, Bakir Y, Karademir S, Unek T, Bacakoglu A, Astarcioglu I. Prevalence and risk factors for obesity after liver transplantation: a single-center experience. Hepat Mon. 2013 Aug 1;13(8):e7569.
- Unek T, Egeli T, Ozbilgin M, Arslan NC, Astarcioglu H, Karademir S, Atasoy G, Astarcioglu I. Retrospective analysis of risk factors affecting pacreatic fistula formation after the closure of the pancreatic stump with sutures in distal pancreatectomy. Hepatogastroenterology 2013 Oct; 60(127):1778
- Unek T, Unek IT, Agalar AA, Sagol O, Ellidokuz H, Ertener O, Oztop I, Karademir S, Yilmaz U, Astarcioglu I. CD40 expression in pancreatic cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 2013 Nov-Dec; 60(128): 2085
- Hakim GD, Akarsu M, Karademir S, Unek T, Astarcıoğlu İ. The efficacy and safety of tenofovir in the prevention of Hepatitis B virus recurrence following liver transplantation. Turk J Gastroenterol. 2014 Dec; 25(6): 685
- Yıldız G, Arslan-Ergul A, Bagıslar S, Konu O, Yuzugullu H, Gursoy-Yuzugullu O, Ozturk N, Ozen C, Ozdag H, Erdal E, Karademir S, Sagol O, Mizrak D, Bozkaya H, Ilk HG, Ilk O, Bilen B, Cetin-Atalay R, Akar N, Ozturk M. Genome-wide transcriptional reorganization associated with senescence-to-immortality switch during human hepatocellular carcinogenesis. PLoS One. 2013 May 15; 8(5): e64016
- Avkan-Oguz V, Ozkardesler S, Unek T, Ozbilgin M, Akan M, Firuzan E, Kose H, Astarcioglu I, Karademir S. Risk factors for early bacterial infections in liver transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2013 Apr; 45(3): 993
- Avkan Oguz V, Kocak N, Kose H, Unek T, , Karademir S, Ocular toxoplasmosis developed after liver transplantation. Bulletin of Microbiol. 2012 Oct;46(4):702
- Bozkaya G, Korhan P, , Erdal E, Sagol O, Karademir S, Korch C, Atabey N. Cooperative interaction of mucin1 with the hepatocyte growth factor/c-met pathway during hepatocarcinogenesis. Molecular Cancer 2012, Sep 11;11(1): 64
- Unek T, Ozbilgin M, Arslan B, Sevinc A, Karademir S, Astarcioglu I. Outcomes of incisional hernia repair following liver transplantation. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2012; 32(2): 346
- Akarsu M, Matur M, Karademir S, Unek T, Astarcioglu I. Cost analysis of liver transplantation in Turkey. Transplantation Pro 2011; 43(10):3783
- Sanal SM, Sivrikoz ON, Karapolat I, Karademir S. Complete clinical response in squamous cell carcinoma of the rectum with liver metastases. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2011; 29(33):e806 4
- Unek T, Karademir S, Arslan N, Egeli T, Atasoy G, Sagol O, Obuz F, Akarsu M, Astarcıoglu I. Comparison of Milan and UCSF criteria for liver transplantation to treat hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol 2011;17(37):4206
- Oztürk Y, Berktas S, Soylu OB, Karademir S, Astarcioglu H, Arslan N, Astarcioglu I. Fulminant hepatic failure and serum phosphorus levels in children from the western part of Turkey. Turk J Gastroenterol 2010; 21(3):270
- Cokaklı M, Erdal E, Nart D, Yılmaz F, Sagol O, Kılıc M, Karademir S, Atabey N. Differential expression of caveolin-1 in hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with differentiation state, motility and invasion. BMC Cancer 2009;9:65
- Sahin E, Olguner C, Bodur H, Koca U, Tuncel P, Ormen M, Sagol O, Aydogan B, Ozzeybek D, Karademir S, Sahin O, Ozkaya M. Comparison of the effects of the remote and direct ischemic preconditioning in the liver ischemia-reperfusion injury. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2009; 29(2): 381
- Ozkardesler S, Akan M, Ozzeybek D, Koca U, Karademir S, Astarcioglu H, Yılmaz F, Astarcioglu I, Elar Z. Postoperative analgesic management in living liver donors; single center experience. Turkiye Klinikleri J Anest Reanim 2008;6:70
- Ozkardesler S, Ozzeybek D, Alaygut E, Unek T, Akan M, Astarcioglu H, Karademir S, Astarcioglu I, Elar Z. Anesthesia-related complications in living liver donors: the experience from one center and the reporting of one death. Am J Transplant 2008; 10:2106-10
- Atila K, Guler S, Inal A, Sokmen S, Karademir S, Bora S. Prosthetic repair of acutely incarcerated groin hernias: A prospective clinical observational cohort study. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2010;395(5):563
- Kavukcu S, Turkmen M, Soylu A, Kasap Demir B, Ozturk Y, Karademir S, Bora S, Astarcioglu I, Gulay H. Combined liver-kidney transplantation and follow-up in primary hyperoxaluria treatment: report of three cases. Transplantation Proc 2008; 40(1): 316
- Kaya H, Karademir S, Tuncel P, Astarcıoglu H, Sagol O, Astarcioglu I. The comparative effects of total hepatic vascular isolation techniques performed at different durations in rat. The Journal of Surgical Research 2008;145(2):223
- Kavukcu S, Turkmen M, Soylu A, Kasap B, Oztürk Y, Karademir S, Bora S, Astarcıoglu I, Gulay H. Combined liver-kidney transplanted three cases with primary hyperoxaluria. Pediatric Nephrology 2007;22(9):1564
- Terrault N A, Kılıc M, Karademir S, Karasu Z, Astarcioglu I, Genereux M, Dixit J, Hall C, Sinclair C. HepaGam B after Liver Transplant in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus. US Gastroenterology Reviews 2007;2:39
- Atila K, Coker A, Ucar D, Karademir S, Sagol O, Astarcioglu H, Astarcioglu I. A rare clinical entity misdiagnosed as a tumor: Peliosis hepatis". Turkish J Trauma and Emergency Surgery 2007;13(2):149-153
- Obuz F, Secil M, Sagol O, Karademir S, Topalak O. Ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging findings of solitary fibrous tumor of the liver. Tumori 2007; 93:100-2
- Karademir S. Liver Transplantation (review). Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2006; 2(26):40
- Karademir S, Astarcioglu H, Ozbilgin M, Ozkardesler S, Yılmaz T, Akarsu M, Akan M, Astarcioglu I. Efficacy of right anterior sector drainage reconstruction in right-lobe live-donor transplantation. Transplant Proc 2006;38(10): 3582
- Karademir S, Astarcioglu H, Akarsu M, Ozkardesler S, Ozzeybek D, Sayiner A, Akan M, Tankurt I, Astarcioglu I. Prophylactic use of low-dose on-demand 5 intramuscular hepatitis B immunoglobulins (HBIG) and lamivudine (LAM) after liver transplantation. Transplant Proc; 38:579-583
- Obuz F, Oksuzler M, Secil M, Sagol O, Karademir S, Astarcioglu H. Efficiency of MR imaging in the detection of malignant liver lesions. Diagn Interv Radiol 2006; 12(1):17
- Karademir S. Role of liver transplantation in HCC (review). Turkish J HPB Surgery 2005;4:121
- Sagol O, Yavuzsen T, Oztop I, Ulukus C, Yılmaz U, Alakavuklar MN, Karademir S, Obuz F, Astarcioglu H, Astarcioglu I. The effect of apoptotic activity, survivin, Ki-67, and P-glycoprotein expression on prognosis in pancreatic carcinoma. Pancreas 2005; 30(4):343
- Culhacı N, Sagol O, Karademir S, Astarcioglu H, Astarcioglu I, Soyturk M, Oztop I, Obuz F. Expression of transforming growth factor-beta-1 and p27Kip1 in pancreatic adenocarcinomas: relation with cell-cycle-associated proteins and clinicopathologic characteristics. BMC Cancer 2005;5:98
- Unek T, Sagol O, Karademir S, Coker C, Coker A. Effects of selected antibiotics on pancreatitis induced liver and pulmonary injury. Turkish J Trauma 2005;11(1)3
- Lebe B, Sagol O, Ulukus C, Coker A, Karademir S, Astarcioglu H, Kupelioglu A, Astarcioglu I, Obuz F. The importance of cyclin D1 and Ki67 expression on the biological behaviour of pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Pathol Res Pract 2004;200(5): 389
- Astarcioglu H, Karademir S, Atila K, Sagol O, Kocdor M, Coker A, Astarcıoglu I. The effects of vascular bed expansion in steatotic rat liver graft viability. Transplant International 2004;17(4):188
- Ozkal S, Sagol O, Karademir S, Coker A, Astarcioglu H, Kupelioglu A, Astarcioglu I, Prognostic significance of mean nuclear volume in pacreatic adenocarcinoma. Anal Quant Cytol Histol 2003;25(4):221-226
- Astarcioglu H, Sokmen S, Atila K, Karademir S. Incarcerated inferior lumbar (Petit’s) hernia. Hernia 2003;7: 158
- Onal A, Sokmen S, Atila K, Karademir S. Spigelian hernia associated with strangulation of the small bowel and appendix. Hernia 2003;6:156
- Astarcioglu I, Karademir S, Gulay H, Bora S, Astarcioglu H, Kavukcu S, Turkmen M, Soylu A. Primary hyperoxaluria: simultaneous combined liver and kidney transplantation from a living related donor. Liver Transplantation 2003;9(4):433
- Ersoy R, Cavdar C, Karademir S, Yenicerioglu Y, Sifil A, Celik A, Menzilcioglu S, Camsarı T. MR angiography in evaluation of arteriovenous fistulas in hemodialysis patients. Turkish J Nephrology 2002;11(4): 202
- Sagol O, Tuna B, Coker A, Karademir S, Obuz F, Astarcioglu H, Kupelioglu A, Astarcioglu I, Topalak O. Immunohistochemical detection of pS2 protein and heat shock protein-70 in pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Relationship with disease extent and patient survival. Pathology Research and Practice 2002;198:77
- Atila K, Coker A, Sagol O, Coker I, Topalak O, Astarcioglu H, Karademir S, Astarcioglu I. Protective effects of carnitine in an experimental ischemiareperfusion injury. Clinical Nutrition 2002;4: 309
- Koukoulis GK, Shen J, Karademir S, Jensen D, Williams J. Cholangiocytic apoptosis in chronic ductopenic rejection. Human Pathology 2001;32(8):823
- Coker A, Coker I, Huseyinov A, Sokmen S, Karademir S. Is mannitol effective against platelet-activating factor (PAF)-induced liver damage in obstructive jaundice? Hepatogastroenterology 2001;48(40):1134
- Obuz F, Dicle O, Coker A, Sagol O, Karademir S. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma: detection and staging with dynamic MR imaging. European Journal of Radiology 2001;38(2):146
- Astarcioglu H, Kocdor M, Sokmen S, Karademir S, Ozer E, Bora S. Comparison of different surgical repairs in the treatment of experimental duodenal injuries. The American Journal of Surgery 2001;181(4): 309
- Memon MA, Karademir S, Shen J, Koukoulis G, Fabrega F, Williams JW, Foster P. Seventh Day Syndrome-acute hepatocyte apoptosis associated with a unique syndrome of graft loss following liver transplantation. Liver 2001;21(1):13
- Karademir S, Astarcioglu H, Sokmen S, Atila K, Tankurt E, Akbaylar H, Coker A, Astarcioglu I. Mirizzi Syndrome: Diagnostic and surgical considerations on 24 cases. Journal of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgery 2000;7:72
- Terzi M, Karademir S, Sokmen S, Yıldız D, Aslan B, Fuzun M. Comparison of proflactic use of oral ciprofloxacin and intravenous cephazolin for prosthetic grafts in inguinal hernia repair. J Clin Expr Surg. 2000;8:122
- Terzi M, Sokmen S, Karademir S, Ucmak F, Karaege G, Fuzun M. Colorectal surgery is safe for elderly patients. Geriatri 2000;3:51
- Karademir S, Hood K, Foster P, Williams JW. Use of growth hormone following lier transplantation. J Clin Expr Surg. 2000;8:21
- Karademir S, Sokmen S, Terzi M, Sagol O, Ozer E, Astarcioglu H, Coker A, Astarcioglu I. Tumor angiogenesis as a prognostic predictor in pancreatic cancer. Journal of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgery 2000;7(5):489
- Astarcioglu H, Karademir S, Unek T, Ozer E, Menekay S, Coker A, Astarcioglu I. Beneficial effects of pentoxifylline pretreatment in non-heart-beating donors in rats. Transplantation 2000; 69(1):93
- Ozer E, Ozkal S, Karademir S, Sagol O, Sokmen S, Coker A, Kupelioglu A, Astarcioglu I. Angiogenesis and p53 and H-ras mutations in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Anal. Quant. Cytol. Histol. 1999;21(6):473
- Karademir S, Astarcioglu H, Unek T, Sokmen S, Coker A, Astarcioglu I. Gallbladder Cancer: changes in surgical approach and outcomes. J Clin Expr Surg 1999; 7(3):147
- Astarcioglu I, Karademir S, Coker A, Astarcioglu H. Living donor right liver transplantation in adult: first case in Turkey. J Clin Expr Surg 1999;7:153
- Karademir S, Sankary HN, Fabrega F, Foster P, Williams JW. Early mesenteric decompression: a novel strategy for liver recipients with portal venous thrombosis. J Clin Expr Surg 199; 6:3
- Shen J, Short J, Blinder L, Karademir S, Foster P, Sankary H, Williams JW, Chong AS. Quantitation of the changes in splenic architecture during the rejection of cardiac allografts or xenografts. Transplantation 1997;64(3):448
- Foster PF, Fabrega F, Karademir S, Sankary HN, Mital D, Williams JW. Prediction of abstinence from ethanol in alcoholic recipients following liver transplantation. Hepatology 1997; 25(6):1469
- Fabrega F, Foster PF, Sankary HN, Karademir S, Kociss K, McChesney LP, Williams JW. Liver transplantation for patients with alcoholic cirrhosis. Transplantation Proc 1997;29(1-2):465
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- Atabey A, Karademir S, Atabey N, Barutçu A. The effects of He-Ne laser on wound healing in rabbits and on human skin fibroblasts in vitro. Eur J Plast Surg, 18:99-102, 1995.
- Halıcı H, Davraslı A, Karademir S, Kılıç HB, Arıcı A, Savan B. Iyatrogenik safra yolu yaralanmaları. Gastroenteroloji 4:651-653, 1994.
- Halıcı H, Sunal H, Karademir S, Kumkumoglu Y, Kılıc HB, Savan B. Koledokolitiazis düşünülen olgularda negatif koledokotomi. Klinik ve Deneysel Cerrahi Dergisi, 26:217-223, 1993.
- Arıcı AN, Savan B, Deniz S, Arıburnu Z, Kılıc K, Yoldaş T, Yasa B, Karademir S. Kliniğimizde 1975-1988 yılları arasında tedavi edilen 66 sigmoid kolon volvulusu vakasının retrospektif analizi. Izmir Devlet Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi 27:62-66, 1989.
- Deniz S, Gorgun M, Savan B, Arıburnu Z, Karademir S, Kutlay N. Kist hidatiklerin cerrahi tedavisinde skolesid madde olarak hipertonik NaCl ve H2O2`nin hangi dilusyonlarda etkili olduğunun ınvivo araştırılması. Izmir Devlet Hastanesi Tıp Dergisi, 26:217-223, 1989.
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